Hello,I’m Chaitali, a Toronto-based Front-End developer with an Engineering background. I excel in developing innovative and creative solutions to build responsive web applications that are accessible for all users. I enjoy being part of every stage of developement from planning to building,debugging and deployment. I’m constantly challenging myself to think outside the box to try to learn something new and bring innovation to all my projects.
This project is a simplified Front-End Clone of Netflix.It uses the TMDB movieDB API to fetch movies.
Good Eats RecipeAPP is an application where you can browse hundreds of recipes and add the ones you like to your favorites.
A Responsive web design for all devices-Mobile,Tablet and Desktop - HTML,CSS,SCSS
A review application where you can show the random review by different user using previous and next button using Vanilla Javascript,Html5,css3
A Movie Search Application using React Hooks And Movie db Fetch API
Treasurie website is a responsive web design based pixel-perfect recreation of a Photoshop design built with HTML5 and CSS3.
my first trip with friends in canada.its a showcase of my awesome photos in website using html5,css3,Bootstrap template