This project is a simplified Front-End Clone of Netflix.It uses the TMDB movieDB API to fetch movies.
This Application built with NodeJs, EJS, ExpressJs using HTML5,CSS3,weather Ajaxlibrary webAPI.
A review application where you can show the random review by different user using previous and next button using Vanilla Javascript,Html5,css3
A Movie Search Application using React Hooks And Movie db Fetch API
Treasurie website is a responsive web design based pixel-perfect recreation of a Photoshop design built with HTML5 and CSS3.
RAndom Meal generator app with React,axios,react-router-dom and The mEalDB API
my first trip with friends in canada.its a showcase of my awesome photos in website using html5,css3,Bootstrap template
A Responsive web design for all devices-Mobile,Tablet and Desktop - HTML,CSS,SCSS